
My landlord is violating building codes in Los Angeles. I suffered injuries in an accident on the property. Can I sue the landlord?

I’m sorry to hear about your accident. Hundreds of thousands of people are injured every year in accidents that occur on public and private property. Although these accidents can occur due to no fault of the property owner, in some cases they are caused by a failure to comply with building codes. There are many building codes at the local, state, and federal level. They have originated over many decades in an effort to ensure that buildings and facilities are safe for visitors and occupants in the U.S. The minimum standards contained in building codes must be complied with by …

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My baby was born with a low Apgar score in Los Angeles. Does that mean my doctor committed medical malpractice?

I’m sorry to hear about the issue with your child. Apgar scores are numbers given to a child at birth. They are used to assess the baby’s health condition, in order to see if any additional medical attention is necessary. If the score is low, the child may have suffered from birth injuries. Apgar scores range from 0 to 10. They are issued by evaluating the child in five categories: heart rate, skin tone, respiratory function, muscle tone, and reflex irritability. Children with low scores often need to be resuscitated and monitored closely. Typically, the score is reassessed every five …

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I had an IVC filter to treat blood clots and I suffered complications. Can I sue the manufacturer in Los Angeles?

You may be able to sue the manufacturer. IVC filters were designed for patients as an alternative to blood thinners. They are used for the treatment of blood clots and are designed to trap the clots before they can enter the heart or the lungs. Blood clots that are not treated can cause catastrophic injuries such as heart failure, stroke, or pulmonary embolism if they move into the lungs, heart, or brain. An IVC filter is like a net which is inserted into the body and is designed to capture any clots before they can do any harm. Once they …

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I suffered heart problems after taking Cipro/Levaquin. Can I sue for my medical expenses?

Cipro and Levaquin are fluoroquinolones, which are types of powerful antibiotics that can be used to treat bacterial infections when other standard antibiotics are not effective. Although these drugs can be lifesaving, they have also been linked to serious complications. If you have suffered serious side effects after taking Cipro or Levaquin, you may wish to speak with an attorney. Cipro and Levaquin have been found to be effective against some serious types of infections, such as respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other infections. They are also sometimes used if a patient is allergic to penicillin, or …

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I was harmed by a drug made at a compounding pharmacy. What are my legal options?

I’m sorry to hear that you were harmed by a drug made by a compounding pharmacy. Compounding pharmacies make customized pharmaceutical products designed to meet the individual needs of a patient. They are very widely used, however, the products they make are not regulated by the FDA in the same way that other drugs are. Compounding pharmacies combine, mix, or alter the ingredients of a drug to make something that will meet the needs of a specific patient. Compound pharmaceuticals may be needed when other available drugs don’t meet the needs of a patient. There are approximately 7,500 pharmacies that …

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The rules written in my employee handbook at work are not being followed. Can I sue my employer for damages?

Employee handbooks can be critical for companies. Employee handbooks set forth rules and guidelines for employees and managers in their relationships with each other and customers. Employees normally appreciate consistent policies and procedures in place. Handbooks can help keep confusion about the rules to a minimum. Employee handbooks also benefit employees by giving them standards of conduct, and information about policies that apply to them. Some standard topics that are covered in employee handbooks include working hours, employee benefits, anti-discrimination policies, the mission of the company, standards of conduct, confidentiality, discipline, and more. Employees have the right to know what …

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What are my legal rights if I have been injured in an elevator/escalator accident in Los Angeles?

Overall, elevators and escalators are very safe. It’s been estimated that there are over 100 billion trips taken by Americans on elevators and escalators every year. While they are convenient, if they are not maintained or operated safely, they can cause serious accidents. There are thousands of severe injuries caused by elevators and escalators in the U.S. each year, and dozens of deaths. Most injuries that happen in elevators occur when getting in and out of an elevator. It is common for people to trip or fall when entering or leaving an elevator. If the car does not stop as …

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My doctor failed to diagnose a heart attack in Los Angeles. Can I sue for medical malpractice?

The failure to diagnose a heart attack can be incredibly serious. When a heart attack occurs, time is of the essence. A heart attack occurs when there is a blockage in blood flow to the heart. If it can’t receive blood, it cannot function. Typically, there are warning signs before a heart attack occurs. The individual may have high cholesterol or may be experiencing chest pains. If you were at risk of experiencing a heart attack and your doctor never gave you any warning about your risk, you may be eligible to receive compensation. Around a million people die from …

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I have a sick family member in Los Angeles and my company is refusing to let me take time off. Isn’t that illegal?

It can be very frustrating when an employee is torn between caring for family members and working. When a family member is ill, one of the employee’s first thoughts is often how to take time off work without losing the job. Fortunately, both federal law and California law give employees the right to take time off work in certain situations, and the employer must allow the individual to return to work in those cases. The California law is called the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and the federal law is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Both are similar …

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Uber Driver Sentenced to Life in Prison for Shooting Rampage

A former Uber driver was recently sentenced to life in prison after he went on a shooting rampage in a string of parking lots. The shootings occurred in Michigan in 2016. The Uber driver, who is 48-years-old, was ordered by a Michigan judge to spend the rest of his life behind bars without the possibility of parole. The man opened fire at random in parking lots outside an apartment building, a car dealership, and a Cracker Barrell. He killed six people and wounded two others. He was taken into custody and charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder …

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I was hospitalized in Los Angeles and I got deep vein thrombosis. Can I sue the hospital?

I’m sorry to hear about the deep vein thrombosis. Depending on the circumstances of what happened, you may be able to sue for medical malpractice. An experienced medical malpractice attorney can evaluate your case in order to help you learn more about your options. Deep vein thrombosis, also called DVT, happens when a blood clot forms in the leg and the clot moves up to the brain, heart, or lungs. It is critical that patients who are at high risk of blood clots be monitored and that their doctors take efforts to help prevent blood clots. If a health care …

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I got an infection from an endoscope in Los Angeles. Can I sue my doctor?

Unfortunately, infections from instruments used during a surgery or other procedure are not uncommon. Hospitals constantly sterilize their equipment, and as a result bacteria have been created that are immune to normal methods of sterilization. In addition, some instruments may not be properly cleaned between uses, which can also cause an infection. The FDA has started to evaluate how endoscopes are sterilized between uses and whether hospitals take enough measures to prevent the spread of disease. Patients have the right to expect that a medical procedure will not make them sick or cause them additional complications, which can occur with …

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