I recently was diagnosed with mesothelioma. I used to work for factories that contained asbestos. How do I make a claim?

I am so sorry to hear about your mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a very rare but lethal type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a product that was used in many building materials for decades. Asbestos was discovered to be dangerous when the fibers are inhaled, but manufacturers hid the dangers from the public for years, causing huge numbers of deaths that were otherwise preventable.

Victims of mesothelioma often live for decades before the onset of the disease. Many victims develop mesothelioma long after they have left the environment where they were exposed to the substance. The disease can often be mistaken initially for more common and less serious respiratory illnesses. However, the symptoms typically progress quickly.

The asbestos industry consists of a number of powerful corporations, whose legal teams may attempt to reduce the amount of your claim or deny it altogether. If you have mesothelioma, which you believe was caused by exposure to asbestos, you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney, who can help you make your claim.

Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney, at 310-385-0567. My team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.

I suffered an eye injury in an accident and lost my vision. Can I sue?

If you have suffered an eye injury, you may have lost your vision either permanently or temporarily. The vision loss may be either partial or total. Losing vision can be a very scary experience, even if the vision loss is only a partial vision loss. Fortunately, there may be treatments available that can help.

If you have suffered an accident that caused a vision loss, you may be able to sue the responsible party for your injuries. Many eye accidents occur at work – you may have had an accident involving machinery, construction equipment, or chemicals. In most cases, if you suffer an injury on the job, you are limited to recovering for your damages under the workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that must be carried by most employers, and it compensates employees for any on-the-job injuries they may suffer.

In most cases, workers’ compensation will pay for medical expenses, a portion of lost wages, and permanent disability. However, normally you cannot sue your employer if you are eligible for workers’ compensation. You may be able to recover against another party that caused your injuries, though.

There are many other causes of eye injuries. You may have had an automobile accident or a motorcycle accident, or suffered the injury in a sporting event. In that case, you should be able to sue the responsible party. However, they will need to have sufficient assets or insurance to cover your damages to justify a lawsuit. You also must be able to prove that the party is the cause of your injuries.

Eye injuries can be a very significant type of personal injury case. There are not only physical and medical issues, there are many emotional issues surrounding eye injuries and the loss of vision and/or disfigurement. If you have suffered an eye injury, call me, Los Angeles personal injury attorney Conal Doyle at 310-385-0567. My team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.

My employer in Los Angeles fired me and refused to pay me my accumulated vacation pay. Can I sue for my unpaid wages?

Being fired can be very traumatic for an employee. In many cases, the job loss occurs with little or no warning, leaving the individual struggling to find a new source of income. There are often a number of issues to consider, such as finding a new job, finding health insurance, and receiving a good recommendation from your company.

One issue you may not consider immediately is your vacation pay. Under federal law and California law, companies are not required to provide vacation pay. If the company does provide you with time off, it is not legally required to pay you for those vacation days. However, many companies do offer paid vacation days to their employees. Employees may receive a specific number of days or hours of paid time off. Under state law, if an employer offers to pay for vacation time, and then fails to pay it, the company is breaking the law.

If you are fired or laid off from a job in California, or you choose to leave, it’s critical that you be fairly compensated for your time, which includes vacation benefits that you have accrued but have not been paid for. Legally, vacation benefits are considered a part of your pay, and your employer is not allowed to refuse to pay it or to take it away from you.

If you have lost your job, or left your job voluntarily, and your company is refusing to pay you for your accrued vacation time, it may be time to speak with an attorney. Call Conal Doyle, Los Angeles employment law attorney, at 310-385-0567. He can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.