In addition to all the stories of assaults by drivers against Uber and Lyft passengers that have come out in the last couple of years, there is another potential violation of passengers by drivers that has made headlines recently. Uber and Lyft drivers have been caught recording and publishing videos of riders.
In recent weeks, several incidents of drivers recording passengers and then publishing those videos online have made headlines. In July, a driver in Missouri for both Uber and Lyft was found to have streamed hundreds of rides without passengers’ knowledge. In many of the videos, passengers’ names could be heard. Many were drunk and they did not consent to being recorded.
In October, a video circulated of some hockey players for the Ottawa Senators talking badly about an assistant coach. The recording was done in Arizona, and there was outrage from the team, which urged that the video be taken down.
Uber’s rules provide that drivers are permitted to record rides for security documentation but may not broadcast or publish the footage. If a driver does so, he or she may lose access to his or her account. Lyft has also announced that recording and publishing videos of riders is against the rules.
Legally, state laws for recording vary by state. Thirty-eight states are “one-party” states, which means that recording is legal if at least one of the parties knows of the surveillance. Twelve states require the consent of all parties. In addition, many states have additional rules if hidden cameras are involved.
California is a “two-party” consent state, which means that all parties must consent to be recorded. If you believe that you have been the victim of an Uber or Lyft driver illegally recording you, you should speak with an attorney. Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney, at 310-385-0567. My legal team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.