It is absolutely not legal to fire someone in Los Angeles because they are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant. Under both federal and California law, pregnant women are protected from discrimination in the workplace. This means that an employer cannot fire, refuse to hire, demote, or fail to accommodate a woman because she is pregnant or is planning to become pregnant.
In spite of these protections offered by law, women face discrimination in the workplace due to pregnancy regularly in California and in the U.S. Some common examples of pregnancy discrimination include refusing to hire a pregnant woman, refusing to promote a woman because she is pregnant or may become pregnant, refusing to hire women of a certain age because they may become pregnant, or refusing to allow pregnant women to take time off for doctor’s appointments.
In addition, federal and state law require employers to offer women maternity leave. If you are eligible for maternity leave under federal and state law, normally employers must allow women to have 12 weeks of unpaid leave following the birth of adoption of a child. Employers must continue offering employment benefits, such as health insurance, although employees are required to continue paying the premiums. At the end of maternity leave, an employer must restore the employee to the original job or an equivalent job.
In California, women who are discriminated against because of pregnant have a limited amount of time in which to pursue a claim. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in the workplace because of a pregnancy, call Los Angeles employment law attorney Conal Doyle at 310-385-0567. I can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.