Three Major Insurers in California Sued for Failure to Provide Some Prosthetic Limbs

Last year, three large insurers in California were sued by customers who suffered from limb loss. The three insurers are Anthem, Blue Shield, and United Healthcare. The insurers were all sued because of their failure to provide their customers with microprocessor-controlled lower limb prostheses.

Microprocessor-controlled lower limbs are prostheses that use computer components to power artificial knees and feet in these devices. The devices more closely resemble the movements or real legs with feet and knee components that can react in real time to stimuli and can adjust to terrain and minimize stumbles and falls.

Although the three lawsuits were different, all three companies refused to provide the limbs because they claimed they are investigational or not medically necessary. However, the companies’ positions ignore the fact that microprocessor technology has been used in prostheses for decades and has long been standard in the industry. The companies’ reluctance to pay for the devices stems from their expense – microprocessor limbs are more expensive than other types of limbs.

All three lawsuits are actively seeking plaintiffs who have had their claims for prostheses denied by the insurance companies. If you have suffered from limb loss and have had your claim for a microprocessor limb denied by an insurance company, call me, Conal Doyle, Amputation Attorney, at 310-385-0567. I am working on these lawsuits and can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation.