It is your obstetrician’s job to monitor the health of both you and your child during pregnancy, and to do everything possible to protect your health. If you or your child suffered a serious injury during pregnancy or childbirth, it could be a result of medical malpractice on the part of your doctor. You may wish to pursue a legal case against your obstetrician for malpractice if that occurs.
There are a number of medical conditions that can impact both a mother and a child during pregnancy. The most common is pre-eclampsia. All qualified obstetricians are aware of the dangerous of pre-eclampsia, and absolutely must be on the lookout for symptoms, the most common of which is high blood pressure. If a mother develops pre-eclampsia and it is not correctly treated, it can lead to strokes or even death.
When pre-eclampsia develops during pregnancy, it can have an impact even weeks after the child is born. In some cases, the mother may suffer a sudden stroke or a seizure after the child is born, which can be the result of pre-eclampsia. In order to avoid tragedy, obstetricians are responsible for testing and monitoring the health of the mother and the child during pregnancy. If there’s a failure to perform these tests, the doctor may be liable for malpractice.
If you believe that your doctor may be liable for medical malpractice related to your pregnancy, call Conal Doyle, Los Angeles medical malpractice attorney at 310-385-0567. I can help. My team will do a thorough investigation into your case in order to determine what happened. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation.