My job is so miserable. Can I sue for a hostile work environment in Los Angeles?

Many workplaces are miserable. It would be nice if all work environments were pleasant and the employees were supportive of each other, but that is not reality. Many employees are subject to terrible conditions, including harassment. They may feel that they cannot leave their jobs for various reasons and may have to endure the harassment.

There is no law requiring workplaces to be friendly and supportive. However, in some cases workplace harassment can be a form of discrimination that can violate both state and federal law. If a person is the victim of unwelcome physical or verbal conduct on the basis of religion, race, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or other similar characteristics, that can constitute workplace harassment and is a violation of federal and state law.

In order for workplace conduct to be considered harassment, several factors must be present. The employee must be a member of a protected class. The victim must have suffered unwelcome physical or verbal conduct as a result of being in the protected class. Finally, the harassing behavior must have been serious enough to create a hostile work environment. Simple teasing or casual offhand comments are not illegal, nor are incidents that occur very rarely.

If you are harassed at work and you believe that your workplace is a hostile work environment, you should report the behavior to your manager. Hopefully, it will stop and you can continue working there. However, in some cases you must take legal action. In that event, call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles employment rights attorney at 310-385-0567. I can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.