Am I legally allowed to post about my personal injury case on social media?

Legally, yes, you are allowed to post information about your personal injury case on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., if you have been injured in an accident, but it’s almost never a good idea. Information you post online can almost never help your case, but could easily damage it. Social media is playing a bigger role in our lives than ever before, and many people share most details of their personal lives, but it is not a good idea if you are involved in a personal injury claim.

First, it is the job of insurance adjusters and defense attorneys to minimize the amount of money you get. They will almost certainly take at least a quick scan of your social media pages, to attempt to prove that you are not as hurt as you claim to be. If you are seeking damages for emotional distress and your physical injuries, but post pictures of you partying at a club with your friends or engaging in physical labor, that makes your injuries seem insignificant. This may seem unfair, but it happens.

Also, you are most likely very angry at the person or organization that harmed you. It can be tempting to vent your frustrations on social media. This can make it seem like you are only seeking money to harm the defendant, even if your anger is justified.

You may also think it’s ok to post factual information on your injuries to keep everyone informed about what’s going on. However, these cases are complex, and even a slight inaccuracy can cast doubt on your claim. For all of those reasons, it is better to restrict your use of social media until your case is over. The last thing you want to do is to let a careless post destroy your very legitimate case.

If you have any questions about your personal injury case and you are in the Los Angeles area, call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney, at 310-385-0567. My team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.