I just lost a limb in an accident and I’m having issues with depression. Do I have any legal options that can help?

I am sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing. It’s important to know that you are not alone. Thousands of Americans lose limbs each year. For most people, losing a limb involves a difficult grieving process. That grieving process is different for everyone and normally depends on a number of factors such as your gender, age, support network, other issues in your life, how you lost your limb, and how you have coped with other problems in the past.

Some signs and symptoms of depression include a lack of energy, a loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest in otherwise enjoyable activities, and feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness. Depression is difficult but not uncommon, and can be overcome. You should seek professional help. There’s nothing wrong with talking to a counselor or another mental health professional, especially after so big a loss as the loss of a limb.

Besides working with a professional, there are steps you can take yourself, such as getting enough rest, limiting your alcohol use, exercise, eating right, seeking support from friends and family, visiting a support group, watching comedies or doing things that make you laugh, and meditation. If you are having physical issues with the limb loss beyond the emotional issues, you should talk to your doctor. If traditional medicine doesn’t work, you should consider alternative medicine, like massage, acupuncture, or hypnosis. It’s hard to recover from depression if you are in physical pain.

Legally, you may have some options that could help you recover from your limb loss. If the amputation was caused by the wrongdoing of another party, such as a doctor’s malpractice or the reckless behavior of another driver, you should speak with an attorney. You have suffered a serious loss and are entitled to be compensated for that loss. The compensation can help you rebuild your life in a positive way.

Call me, Conal Doyle, Amputation Attorney, at 310-385-0567 if you have suffered a limb loss because of another person’s wrongful actions. I can help. I am not only a personal injury attorney, I am also an amputee. Call today to learn more or to schedule your free consultation.