Most people with health issues will do anything they need to get better. In some instances, a doctor or a surgeon may tell the patient that surgery is the best option or the only option. But what happens when that surgery led to the patient’s condition declining? An attorney can help.
Surgeries also carry some risks – in some cases, minor, and in other cases, major risks. Because of those risks, surgery is often a last resort. Most patients can never truly understand the risks involved in surgery and the odds of success. Therefore, patients rely on experienced surgeons and doctors to understand those risks, the chances of success, and whether other, better options exist.
In some cases, it may take patients months before they realize that they suffered serious injuries as the result of an unnecessary surgery. If you believe something went wrong, you should speak to an attorney right away. Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles medical malpractice attorney. I will conduct a thorough investigation into your surgery and will help determine whether or not it was a good decision for your health.
I am ready to protect your rights as a patient. Surgery is a major procedure, and it can be devastating to a patient to learn it was unnecessary. Call my team today at 310-385-0567 to learn more about your rights. If your lawsuit is successful, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.