Yes, you may be able to sue if you have been harmed in a ladder accident that involves a defective ladder. However, most ladder accidents are not caused by defective ladders, but instead because the ladder was improperly used. In order to recover, you must be able to prove either that the ladder was defective, or that another party was responsible for your accident.
Studies have shown that most ladder accidents occur in the home instead of at work. One big reason is that many ladder users do not know how to use it safely. Fortunately, most people who are injured in the home because of ladder accidents are able to walk away with only minor injuries. Only about 10 percent of ladder accidents are serious enough to require hospitalization. The most common injuries involving ladders are broken bones in the feet, hands, and wrists, or other broken bones.
It’s important that you speak with an attorney if you believe that your accident was caused by a defective ladder, rather than being improperly used. Some cheaper ladders are made of inferior materials or are poorly designed. They may have a defect with the ladder extension that can cause it to slip.
Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney if you have suffered injuries because of a ladder defect. Normally, an investigation will be performed to help determine the exact causes of the problem with the ladder. If you are successful, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Call today at 310-385-0567. We can help.