Blue Shield of California, the insurance company, was sued late last year. The plaintiffs claimed that Blue Shield’s policies on coverage for prosthetic limbs are incorrect, and the lawsuit is seeking compensation for individuals whose claims for prosthetic limbs have been wrongfully denied.
According to the lawsuit, Blue Shield has developed a medical policy called “Microprocessor-Controlled Prostheses for the Lower Limb”. The policy states that microprocessor-controlled feet are considered investigational. However, according to the lawsuit, the medical policy misstates the studies regarding microprocessor-controlled foot prostheses.
The lawsuit claims that there is ample evidence about the effectiveness of microprocessor-controlled foot prostheses. The feet respond to feedback from the sensors based on walking speed, incline, decline, and type of terrain. They allow a more normal bend at the ankle, to allow for better balance. They create better stability and reduce falls. They also result in less pain for the user. According to the lawsuit, the benefits of microprocessor-controlled feet have been well-documented and are known to Blue Shield.
The lawsuit is seeking additional plaintiffs who have been harmed by Blue Shield’s failure to provide microprocessor-controlled foot prostheses. If you have had your request for such a device denied by Blue Shield, you should speak with an attorney. Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney at 310-385-0567. I am involved in the lawsuit against Blue Shield and we would be happy to speak with you. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.