Blue Shield, the health insurance company, was sued in November last year by two customers. The customers are suffering from limb loss and sought prosthetic devices under the terms of their health insurance policies. After failing to get the requested devices, the customers decided to sue. They are seeking to turn the lawsuit into a class action lawsuit and are seeking others who have been similarly affected by the company’s policies.
Blue Shield has been accused of denying coverage for microprocessor-controlled foot prostheses. These are limbs which contain sensors and a computer. The sensors send signals to the computer, which can help the limb react in real-time. This can make a safer and more comfortable experience for the amputee.
According to the lawsuit, computerized foot prosthetic devices have been in use for decades and are considered standard. They are routinely prescribed for many amputees. However, Blue Shield denies all claims for the computerized feet. It labels them as “investigational”. The company references studies on the prosthetic feet, but misstates the conclusions of those studies, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges that there is more than sufficient evidence that these devices are not “investigational”.
The lawsuit is seeking compensation for amputees who have had their claims wrongfully denied by Blue Shield. If you believe that you may be eligible to join the lawsuit, call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles personal injury attorney, at 310-385-0567. I can help determine if you are eligible to make a claim. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation.