You may be able to sue your surgeon if you believe your surgery caused damage to your nerves. Unfortunately, often if nerves or the nervous system are damaged, that damage is permanent. During surgery, doctors must be very cautious so that they do not cut the nerves running through the surgical site.
Nerves are critical to the function of the body. The nervous system allows the brain to control all areas of the body. It also allows the brain to know what is happening inside the body and outside the body. The nerves carry signals to the brain to communicate information such as pain, temperature, balance, and more.
Doctors are usually careful to avoid nerves while operating. Surgeons are only human though and they can make cuts in the wrong places. They may damage nerves by cutting them, or they may pinch nerves during surgery. In some cases, a surgical device may be defective. The anesthesiologist may be to blame. Some nerve damage during surgery occurs while administering anesthesia.
Nerves are extremely critical to the operation of the body. If they are damaged, a patient’s life may be negatively impacted. The patient may lose feeling in portions of the body. The patient may become hypersensitive to tingles, pains, and touches. The patient may lose balance and coordination, and could lose feeling in some limbs.
You should speak with an attorney if you have suffered nerve damage during a Los Angeles operation. Medical malpractice may not have occurred. An attorney can help examine your medical records to determine if you have a good case against your health care provider. Call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles medical malpractice attorney, at 310-385-0567. My team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule your consultation.