Two amputees sued Blue Shield of California over its coverage for prostheses. The plaintiffs allege that Blue Shield improperly failed to provide coverage for some prosthetic devices, as well as failed to maintain an adequate network of prosthetists.
The lawsuit is seeking to become a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges that there are so many individuals affected by Blue Shield’s actions that a class action is appropriate. The lawsuit also alleges that the claims are all similar, that all members of the class will have their interests protected by the plaintiffs, and that a class action is the correct way to handle the case since it will help avoid inconsistent individual results, as well as to promote judicial economy.
A class action lawsuit can offer many benefits to litigants over many individual lawsuits over the same issue. If you have been affected by Blue Shield’s failure to cover some prostheses, or by its failure to maintain an adequate network of prosthetists, you may wish to join the class action lawsuit. Call Los Angeles amputation attorney Conal Doyle at 310-385-0567 to learn more about how to join the class action.