Accidents involving balcony railings are not that unusual. Although balcony railings are meant to protect visitors from falls and injuries, many apartment building owners do not take the proper steps to ensure their residents’ balconies and railings are safe.
Normally, visitors to and residents of apartment buildings assume that the property is maintained and is safe. Therefore, when a railing fails or a balcony collapses, the victim is usually caught off guard. Over time, wear and tear, weather conditions, and neglect can cause railings and balconies to become unsafe and eventually fail.
In many cases, when an accident occurs involving a balcony, the injuries suffered are very serious. The balcony may be very high, and there may be dangerous objects on the ground. The victim may suffer broken or shattered bones, back and spine injuries, internal organ damage, brain injuries, and even death.
All apartment complexes owe a duty of care to their residents and visitors to keep the property safe. If the property owner fails to keep residents and visitors safe, the property owner can be held legally liable for damages, including for medical expenses, permanent disability, pain and suffering, time missed from work, and more.
If you have been harmed in a balcony or railing accident in Los Angeles that was due to the negligence of another party, call me, Conal Doyle, Los Angeles premises liability attorney at 310-385-0567. My team can help. Call today to learn more or to schedule a free consultation on your case.